Featured image for Supreme Court Judgment dated 27-07-2020 in case of petitioner name Erudhaya Priya vs State Express Transport Corpor
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Supreme Court Enhances Compensation for Software Engineer Injured in Bus Accident

The Supreme Court of India, in the case of Erudhaya Priya vs. State Express Transport Corporation Ltd., ruled in favor of the appellant, significantly enhancing the compensation awarded for injuries sustained in a bus accident. The judgment clarified key legal principles related to personal injury claims, loss of earning capacity, and the application of multipliers for compensation calculations under the Motor Vehicles Act.

The case involved a 23-year-old software engineer who suffered multiple fractures and permanent disability following a bus accident caused by the negligent driving of a state transport bus. While the Motor Accident Claims Tribunal (MACT) awarded compensation of Rs. 35,24,288, the High Court reduced it to Rs. 25,00,000. The Supreme Court, after analyzing the evidence and legal precedents, enhanced the compensation to Rs. 41,69,831 with 9% interest per annum.

Background of the Case

The accident occurred on August 16, 2011, when the appellant was traveling from Chennai to Bangalore in a state transport bus. At approximately 5:40 AM, the bus collided with a stationary lorry on the Kolar-Bangalore National Highway, causing severe injuries to multiple passengers and the death of the bus conductor. The appellant sustained grievous injuries and was hospitalized for over eight months.

Following the accident, an FIR was registered against the bus driver, and the appellant filed a compensation claim under Section 166 of the Motor Vehicles Act before the MACT in Madurai. The MACT found the bus driver liable and awarded compensation based on the multiplier method, applying a factor of 17 for loss of earning capacity.

Arguments of the Petitioner

The appellant’s counsel argued:

  • The High Court erred in reducing the compensation arbitrarily without proper justification.
  • The multiplier applied by MACT should have been 18 instead of 17, as per legal precedents.
  • The appellant suffered permanent disability of 31.1%, which directly impacted her earning capacity as a software engineer.
  • Compensation should include additional amounts for loss of matrimonial aspects, pain and suffering, and future medical expenses.
  • The interest rate should be enhanced to 12% per annum to account for inflation and the delay in compensation.

Arguments of the Respondent

The State Express Transport Corporation countered:

  • The High Court correctly reduced the compensation, as the appellant’s injuries did not prove a direct impact on her career.
  • The multiplier of 17 was appropriately applied based on existing legal standards.
  • The claim for future prospects was exaggerated, as the appellant was not permanently incapacitated from working.
  • The interest rate should remain at 7.5%, as awarded by the MACT.

Supreme Court’s Key Findings

1. Application of the Correct Multiplier

The Supreme Court noted that the appellant was 23 years old at the time of the accident, and as per National Insurance Co. Ltd. vs. Pranay Sethi, the correct multiplier for her age group was 18, not 17. The Court ruled:

“In cases of permanent disability affecting earning capacity, the multiplier method must be applied based on the claimant’s age as per settled legal principles.”

2. Loss of Earning Capacity and Future Prospects

The Court referred to Jagdish vs. Mohan and Sandeep Khanuja vs. Atul Dande to emphasize that victims suffering permanent disability are entitled to compensation for loss of earning capacity, including future prospects. The Court stated:

“Future prospects must be considered while determining compensation for loss of earning capacity, as victims are deprived of career advancements due to disability.”

Accordingly, the Court applied an additional 50% enhancement for future prospects.

3. Justification for Higher Compensation

The Court examined the appellant’s disability certificate, which documented multiple fractures in her limbs, requiring prolonged hospitalization and rehabilitation. The Court observed:

“Considering the appellant’s medical condition, loss of matrimonial prospects, and pain and suffering, the compensation must be enhanced.”

4. Interest Rate Revision

The appellant initially sought 12% interest per annum, but during proceedings, she revised the claim to 9%. The Supreme Court accepted this rate, stating:

“The revised interest rate of 9% per annum aligns with judicial precedents and ensures just compensation.”

Final Judgment

The Supreme Court enhanced the compensation as follows:

Head of Compensation Amount (INR)
Loss of Earning Power (14648 × 12 × 18 × 31.1%) 9,81,978.76
Future Prospects (50% Addition) 4,90,989
Medical Expenses (including Transport & Nourishment) 18,46,864
Loss of Matrimonial Aspects 5,00,000
Loss of Comfort, Amenities & Mental Agony 1,50,000
Pain and Suffering 2,00,000
Total Compensation 41,69,831

The Court directed the respondent to pay the revised amount within six weeks.

Key Takeaways from the Judgment

  • Courts must apply the correct multiplier based on age when calculating loss of earning capacity.
  • Future prospects must be factored into compensation for permanent disabilities.
  • Medical expenses and loss of matrimonial prospects should be duly compensated.
  • Interest rates on compensation should be revised to reflect economic realities.


The Supreme Court’s ruling reinforces the importance of fair compensation in motor accident claims, ensuring victims receive adequate support for medical expenses, career impact, and quality of life. The judgment sets a precedent for future cases involving young professionals who suffer life-altering injuries.

Petitioner Name: Erudhaya Priya.
Respondent Name: State Express Transport Corporation Ltd..
Judgment By: Justice Sanjay Kishan Kaul, Justice Ajay Rastogi, Justice Aniruddha Bose.
Place Of Incident: Kolar-Bangalore National Highway.
Judgment Date: 27-07-2020.

Don’t miss out on the full details! Download the complete judgment in PDF format below and gain valuable insights instantly!

Download Judgment: Erudhaya Priya vs State Express Transp Supreme Court of India Judgment Dated 27-07-2020.pdf

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