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Child Custody and Parental Rights: Supreme Court Directs Return of US-Born Children to Father

The case of Lahari Sakhamuri vs. Sobhan Kodali is a significant ruling on child custody disputes involving international parents. The Supreme Court of India, in its judgment dated March 15, 2019, dealt with a complex legal battle between estranged parents over the custody of their two minor children, both of whom were born in the United States and held US citizenship. The judgment reflects the Court’s commitment to the principle of the best interests of the child while balancing international legal obligations and parental rights.

The legal battle arose when the mother, Lahari Sakhamuri, brought her children to India under the pretext of a temporary visit but later filed for custody in India, while a US court had already taken jurisdiction over the matter. The Supreme Court had to decide whether the children should remain in India with the mother or return to the United States to be under the jurisdiction of the US courts, where the father, Sobhan Kodali, resided.

Background of the Case

Lahari Sakhamuri and Sobhan Kodali were both highly educated professionals residing in the United States since the mid-2000s. Their marriage, solemnized in Hyderabad in 2008, resulted in the birth of two children, Arthin and Neysa, in 2012 and 2014, respectively. Both children were natural-born US citizens.

Marital discord led Lahari to file for divorce and custody in a US court on December 21, 2016. The US court, recognizing its jurisdiction over the matter, directed that both parents should not change the children’s residence until further orders. However, in March 2017, Lahari traveled to India with the children, ostensibly to attend her grandmother’s funeral, but subsequently filed for custody in a Family Court in Hyderabad on April 12, 2017. She also obtained an ex-parte order restraining Sobhan from removing the children from her custody.

Sobhan filed a writ of habeas corpus in the High Court of Hyderabad, seeking the return of his children, arguing that their removal from the US violated the US court’s order. The High Court ruled in his favor, ordering that the children be returned to the US. Lahari then appealed to the Supreme Court of India.

Legal Issues Raised

  • Whether the Indian courts had jurisdiction over the custody of the children despite an ongoing US court case.
  • Whether the removal of the children from the US and their retention in India constituted wrongful retention.
  • Whether the principle of comity of courts should be applied to honor the US court’s orders.
  • Whether the children’s welfare would be best served by staying with their mother in India or returning to their father in the US.

Arguments by the Petitioner (Lahari Sakhamuri)

The mother, Lahari, argued:

  • That the welfare of the children should be the primary consideration and not the orders of the foreign court.
  • That as the primary caregiver, she had the right to decide the best environment for the children.
  • That the children had adjusted well to life in India and removing them from her custody would cause them distress.
  • That the father had a demanding professional schedule as a cardiologist and would not be able to provide proper care for the children.
  • That Indian courts had jurisdiction over the matter since the children were physically present in India.

Arguments by the Respondent (Sobhan Kodali)

The father, Sobhan, argued:

  • That Lahari’s actions amounted to wrongful retention and a violation of the US court’s orders.
  • That the children had been unlawfully removed from their home country, where they had been raised since birth.
  • That the US court, which had already taken jurisdiction over the custody matter, was the appropriate forum for deciding the dispute.
  • That as per international legal norms, including the principle of comity of courts, Indian courts should not intervene in matters already pending before a foreign jurisdiction.
  • That the children’s best interests would be served by allowing them to grow up in the familiar environment of their home country.

Supreme Court’s Analysis and Judgment

The Supreme Court dismissed Lahari’s appeal and upheld the High Court’s order directing the return of the children to the US. The key observations made by the Court were:

  • The principle of comity of courts is significant in international child custody disputes. Since the US court had already exercised jurisdiction over the matter, Indian courts should not intervene.
  • The children were born and raised in the US and had spent the majority of their lives there. Their education, social connections, and cultural integration were deeply rooted in the US.
  • The Court held that removing children from their habitual residence and exposing them to an uncertain legal environment was against their welfare.
  • The Supreme Court reaffirmed the principle that the best interest of the child is paramount, but in this case, the children’s best interests would be served by allowing them to return to the US.
  • Since Lahari had herself initiated divorce and custody proceedings in the US, she could not later claim that US courts had no jurisdiction over the matter.

Key Takeaways from the Judgment

  • International parental child abduction is a serious issue, and courts must ensure that one parent does not gain an unfair advantage by violating court orders.
  • Custody disputes involving children born in foreign jurisdictions should be resolved in the courts of the country where they have spent most of their lives.
  • The best interests of the child remain the guiding principle, but courts must also consider international legal obligations and the rights of both parents.
  • When a parent unlawfully removes children from their habitual residence, courts are inclined to order their return to maintain legal consistency.


The Supreme Court’s decision in Lahari Sakhamuri vs. Sobhan Kodali reaffirmed the importance of the comity of courts in international child custody disputes. It emphasized that wrongful removal and retention of children could not be used as a strategy to gain custody. By ordering the return of the children to the US, the Court upheld both parental rights and the principle that children should remain in the jurisdiction where they have been raised, unless there are compelling reasons to decide otherwise.

Petitioner Name: Lahari Sakhamuri.
Respondent Name: Sobhan Kodali.
Judgment By: Justice A.M. Khanwilkar, Justice Ajay Rastogi.
Place Of Incident: Hyderabad.
Judgment Date: 15-03-2019.

Don’t miss out on the full details! Download the complete judgment in PDF format below and gain valuable insights instantly!

Download Judgment: Lahari Sakhamuri vs Sobhan Kodali Supreme Court of India Judgment Dated 15-03-2019.pdf

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