Featured image for Supreme Court Judgment dated 16-08-2017 in case of petitioner name M/s Misra and Co. vs Damodar Valley Corporation
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Damodar Valley Corporation Ordered to Settle Arbitration Dispute: Supreme Court Calls for Conciliatory Resolution

The case of M/s Misra and Co. vs. Damodar Valley Corporation centered around the prolonged execution of an arbitration award. The Supreme Court was called upon…

Featured image for Supreme Court Judgment dated 11-07-2017 in case of petitioner name Punjab State Civil Supplies Co vs M/s Atwal Rice & General Mills
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Punjab State Civil Supplies Corporation vs. Atwal Rice Mills: Supreme Court Upholds Arbitration Award Enforcement

The Supreme Court’s judgment in Punjab State Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd. & Anr. vs. M/s Atwal Rice & General Mills, delivered on July 11, 2017, deals…